Take part in our research
We are recruiting people to take part in the focus groups and to keep diaries of the visualisations that they come across in their everyday lives. You don’t have to be an expert in visualisation to take part – in fact, we are interested in hearing about people who do not consider themselves to be visualisation experts. Participants will be required to use computers to look at visualisations during the focus groups, and we will be on hand if anyone needs help with the technology.
Participation in the project can be short – you can keep a diary for a week and then attend a focus group. Or it can be longer – you can keep a diary for a week, attend a focus group, and then keep a diary for a further two months and be interviewed twice during that time about the visualisations that you come across.
Refreshments will be provided at the focus group meetings. Participants will be thanked for their ‘short’ dairy-keeping and focus group participation with a £20 one-for-all gift token.
If you are a participant, please fill in this Participant Survey Form and send it to us at seeingdata@leeds.ac.uk, or bring it along to the focus group.
If you are not available for the focus groups because you live outside these areas, or if you are want to be updated about the project, follow us on Twitter @seeing_data, or fill in the ‘find out more about our research’ boxes below to receive email alerts.
Spread the word about our research and help us help people to make sense of visualisations!
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